Friday 25 October 2013

Victorian Week

This week has been Victorian week in Big Ben class and we have been looking at Victorian transport and comparing it to today. What have you found out about Victorian transport?

Friday 11 October 2013

Mystery letter

I have found a mysterious letter in the classroom this morning before school. What do you think the letter is about? Who may have written it?

Dear xxxxxx,

How are you feeling? I am really excited about going on this amazing adventure, but I am feeling a little scared too.
I don't know what it's going to be like. Will it be hot there or icy cold? Will we meet anybody on our journey? Will we find the treasure?
Write back as soon as you can with details of when we leave England.

Love from  xxxxxxx


Thursday 3 October 2013

Favourite books by Julia Donaldson

This week in Literacy we have been focusing on books written by Julia Donaldson. She has written some amazing stories! Write a description of your favourite story. Don't forget to describe the setting, the characters, the problem and the resolution!