Friday 13 December 2013

Literacy Homework

Homework- Due Thursday 19th December

For homework this week, write an acrostic poem based on a winter theme. An example is shown below. You don’t have to just use the word winter for your poem, it is up to you!
Wonderful snow
Icicles hanging
Never falling
Trees covered in snow
Excited for spring
Remembering winter is fun

Friday 6 December 2013

Literacy Homework

Literacy Homework- Friday 6th December

Can you describe this wintery setting? Write a descriptive passage using adjectives, adverbs and a range of language that will help to paint an image in the readers mind.

Homework is due in on Thursday 12th December.

Friday 29 November 2013

Writing Information Reports

Literacy Homework: 29th November 2013

At our workshop last week, we had the chance to see a Bearded Dragon up close.

In Literacy, we have spent a lot of time learning about writing an effective report.
Can you write a paragraph about what the Bearded Dragon looks like? Remember to include all the features needed in an interesting report. You may develop your report with more paragraphs of information if you can.

Friday 22 November 2013

Tropical Rainforest Workshop

On Friday we were very lucky to have the Tropical Rainforest group from Hounslow Urban Farm visit us.
We met lots of interesting animals from the rainforest. What did you find out?

Friday 15 November 2013


Below is a website link that will take you to Hounslow's Music Service. It has lots of fantastic music for you to listen to and to practise with your recorder. Try Bee Beans!

Thursday 7 November 2013

Data Handling

This week in Big Ben class we have been looking at data handling and we have created our own bar graphs and line graphs. Below is a graph about Year 3's favourite subjects. What does the bar graph tell you?

Friday 25 October 2013

Victorian Week

This week has been Victorian week in Big Ben class and we have been looking at Victorian transport and comparing it to today. What have you found out about Victorian transport?

Friday 11 October 2013

Mystery letter

I have found a mysterious letter in the classroom this morning before school. What do you think the letter is about? Who may have written it?

Dear xxxxxx,

How are you feeling? I am really excited about going on this amazing adventure, but I am feeling a little scared too.
I don't know what it's going to be like. Will it be hot there or icy cold? Will we meet anybody on our journey? Will we find the treasure?
Write back as soon as you can with details of when we leave England.

Love from  xxxxxxx


Thursday 3 October 2013

Favourite books by Julia Donaldson

This week in Literacy we have been focusing on books written by Julia Donaldson. She has written some amazing stories! Write a description of your favourite story. Don't forget to describe the setting, the characters, the problem and the resolution!

Friday 27 September 2013


Next week we will be having our Harvest Supper on Thursday 3rd October. Year 3 will be making yummy carrot soup for the special meal.
We would be very grateful if you could help us out and bring in some of the items on our list. We will be making our soup on Wednesday 2nd October.

We need :
Carrots ( as many as you can)
Fresh Coriander ( 1 pack)
Vegetable Stock ( 1 pack)

Thank you!

Tuesday 24 September 2013

The Water Cycle

This week in Science we have been discussing the water cycle.

What do you know about the water cycle? Write a description about each stage of the water cycle, using the diagram below to help you.

Thursday 19 September 2013


Welcome to the Big Ben class blog!

This is the first chance to see our new and exciting blog, which you will be adding to shortly.

Please take the time to read our Blogging Rules before you post anything!

Miss Gale