Friday 16 May 2014

Literacy 16th May 2014

For your homework this week, we would like you to begin thinking about what investigation you could carry out for your Science Fair projects. Our focus for science week is forces and magnetism. Although your project doesn’t have to be based on this area, it could provide a little inspiration.

Remember, you will need to work on your science project over half term and bring to school for the fair on Thursday 5th June.
They should be presented on paper no larger than A1. You can use photos and written reports to explain the investigation that you carried out at home.

Sunday 11 May 2014


This week in Quadblogging we are looking at the WEJS Book Blog (UK). Click on the link below to comment on some of their wonderful posts!

Friday 9 May 2014

We were playing a very exciting Angles game from the BBC Bitesize website this week. Click below to try the game again yourself :

Literacy Homework 9th May 2014

Literacy homework- Friday 9th May

We have been learning about how to write a play script. For your homework this week, think of a story you have read recently and have a go at turning a section of it into a play.

You must remember to use the features we have learnt about including stage directions. 

Thursday 8 May 2014

You can try and create your own speaking characters at You don't need your own account, you can try it for free. Just click on Create and start experimenting by typing in different things for your character to say!   

Write a comment below to let us know what you think. 

Roman Projects!

I would like to say a huge well done to all the children in the class who have created some fantastic Roman projects over the Easter holiday! I have uploaded some photos below for you to comment on:

100 Word Challenge!

Here is a photograph by Jane Hewitt. 

You have 100 words to produce a creative piece of story writing about this. Look closely at the picture and use your imaginations to tell a really great story. Please visit posts by other children and leave a supportive comment. We learn best from each other.

Monday 5 May 2014

Quadblogging - Week beginning 5th May

This week, we will begin Quadblogging!
This week, the focus is Mr Cavileer's 2nd Grade Blog. It is a blog from a school in Absecon, New Jersey, America.
Click below to check out the blog - and write your comments!

Miss Gale

Friday 2 May 2014

Literacy homework 2nd May 2014

Literacy Homework- Friday 2nd May


This week we have been learning about the rules of dialogue.


For homework this week you have to add the speech marks in the correct places. It is quite tricky. You’ll probably need to read through the passage several time to work out what each character is saying.


Excuse me, said the man. Can you tell me what the time is? I think it’s about 8 o’clock, replied Graham. I haven’t got my watch on but I remember seeing the time on the town hall clock a few minutes ago. The town hall! said the man. That’s just what I’m looking for. Can you point me in the right direction? Certainly, said Graham. You just go down there past the bank, turn left, go straight on and the town hall will be on your right hand side. Brilliant, said the man, Thanks for your help. That’s okay, said Graham.


You might also want to consider how else you can improve this passage by following other rules for writing dialogue such as using a new paragraph for a new speaker.