Thursday 7 November 2013

Data Handling

This week in Big Ben class we have been looking at data handling and we have created our own bar graphs and line graphs. Below is a graph about Year 3's favourite subjects. What does the bar graph tell you?


  1. The graph shows how many children like each subject. We are taught 10 subjects and 60 children took part in the survey (that means 2 classes participated). It shows that P.E is the most favourite subject and D.T is the least favourite subject. The second favourite subject is literacy and children are also interested in science.


  2. The graph is showing me the Y axis(number of children) and the X axis(all the subjects).The children like most is PE.15 children liked PE.The children like least is Design and Tech.2 children liked DT. 11 children liked literacy and 7 children liked science. You could add a title and label the axis.


  3. It's telling you which subject you like. Shriya
