Friday 14 February 2014

Literacy Homework - Friday 14th February

Literacy Homework - Friday 14th February

 During this term we have really enjoyed learning about Rocks and Soils in Science. We especially enjoyed learning about volcanoes. What have you learnt about volcanoes? Can you explain how and why they erupt?


  1. The name volcano came from the roman fire god.

    By Hifza

    1. Excellent Hifza! Why do you think it was named after the Roman god?

  2. The earth's crust is made up of huge slabs called plates, which fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.These plates sometimes move.

    Between the earth's crust and the mantel is a substance called magma which is made of rocks and gases.

    When two plates collide, one section slides on top of the other,the one beneath is pushed down. magma is squeezed up between two plates.

    by jasleen

    1. Well done Jasleen! What's under the mantle layer of the Earth?

    2. Lava is under the mantel layer of the earth.

    3. When two tectonic plates go on top of each other they can make very powerful tsunamis is well and if it is ready some big Volcanic lava cold come out Jasleen!.


  3. How Volcanoes erupt
    Underneath the earth’s crust layer is called the mantle, which is made of plates called the tectonic plates. Tectonic plates slip and slide against each other. This cause friction, which creates heat and helped to melt the crust into magma. Friction normally makes volcanoes but sometimes it can result in massive earthquakes.
    Magma flows in mantle and get out when tectonic plates moved and create space.
    Once Magma get’s out it turns into a rock called igneous. Magma flow out of volcano called lava.
    by shriya

    1. A wonderful explanation Shriya - Well done! Miss Gale

    2. Thank You Miss Gale

  4. Volcanoes erupt by a vent or opening in the surface of the Earth though witch hot lava gases 'ash and rock fragments erupt or it caudle erupt by the usull conical mountin formed by the deposition and accumulaton of erupted meterial around the opening. by Maria

  5. Volcanoes erupt because the TECONIC PLATES move out of place because the EARTHS CRUST cracks out of place . The mantles LAVER comes squirting out and it creates VOLCANOES.

    By Zarah

  6. Tennereif has the therid biggest Volcano two moeis where made there star wars epeside3 and lord of the rings.


    1. Read through your message again Gurtej and try to rewrite it as two full sentences. Don't forget to use capital letters and full stops! Miss Gale

  7. Volcano Facts
    1.A Volcano is formed when hot molten rock ,ash and gases escape from an opening (fissere)on the Earth's crust.
    2.The molten rocks that come out of a Volcano is called lava.
    3.The word Volcano comes from a Roman fire god called Vulcan.
    4.How Volcanoes are formed-a):Active Volcano-it erupts from time to Volcano
    b):Dormant Volcano-It has not erupted for many years but it St.Helens, Washington
    c):Extinct Volcano - They are unlikely to,Mexican state Michoacan
    5.How Volcanoes are formed-a):Where tectonic plates are moving,although very very slowly, but when they get pushed together,some of the Earth's crust is pushed deeper into the Earth's mantle it melts then rises again to make volcanoes.
    b):Volcanoes can also form where there is hotspot in the mantle.
    c):Where tectonic plates are being pushed apart ,openings in the Earth's crust allows molten rock to escape , forming Volcanoes.
    6.Lava that erupts under water is called pillow lava because it forms the shape of a pillow.

    By Aaratrika

    1. An excellent list of facts Aaratrika! Well done. Miss Gale

  8. Volcanoes are made when magma pushes on the crust which makes the earth split. Then lava and magma comes spewing out. When lava cools down it makes a rock called igneous.

    Some Facts About Volcanoes
    75% of the volcanoes are found in the Pacific Ocean were most of the 7 tectonic plates are. Each continent has it own tectonic plate. In the 1700s A volcano arupted in Pompei it killed thousands of people because when it was rumbling nobody new what it was. But now people are used to the noise and escape.

    By Elliot

    1. Excellent Elliot! Why are so many volcanoes found in the ocean? Miss Gale

  9. Volcanoes

    What is a volcano?
    A volcano is a hole in the planet where hot magma shoots out. A volcanic eruption is the most dangerous and powerful thing that can happen in nature. Boiling bits of ash, rocks and gases are pushed high into the air and the sky goes dim. Volcanoes can be lots of shapes and sizes. Volcanoes are formed by tectonic plates which crash together.
    When magma reaches the surface it's called lava. Lava sometimes flows like a river hundreds of metres deep. When cools down it makes a rock called pumice.
    Inside a Volcano
    Volcanoes have large pipes called vents these pipes are connected to an area inside the earth called a magma chamber. Inside the chamber is magma which can be 1,200 degrees Celsius ( 12x as hot as the temperature water boils at i.e 100 degrees Celsius ). The magma travels through the long vents and shoots out as lava. When there is a volcanic eruption magma spills down the sides to form different layers of rock.
    Types of volcanoes
    There are different types of volcanoes : shield, fissure, dome, ash-cinder, canderela and composite. The volcanoes in the Hawaiian Islands of the Pacific the lava flows gently and makes a cone to form a shape like a shield. A fissure is a large crack in the crust of the crust of the earth. It can go many kilometres down. Magma erupts through the fissure and travels down the sides gently in small rivers. A dome volcano has only one vent. It's called that because it's in the shape. An ash-cinder volcano is that when it erupts,that the heavy cinders fall down the sides followed be lighter ash.
    How a volcanic island is formed
    Sometimes, there are volcanoes under water. A column of rising magma burns it's way through a weak spot in the earth's crust and erupts on to the sea floor. Over the years the volcano grows slowly under the sea as more eruptions add more layers that make it taller. Finally the volcano breaks through the surface of the sea, and forms a new island.
    Volcano crystals
    There are crystals inside volcanoes! As molten lava cools the minerals inside, it slowly hardens into crystals such as zeolite, olivine and diamonds.

    - written by Anya

    1. Wow Anya! A very impressive explanation about volcanoes and I like how you have used paragraphs effectively to organise your information. Well done! Miss Gale

    2. Thank you Miss Gale

  10. Volcanoes

    What is a Volcano?
    1. A volcano is a mountain that is in the middle two tectonic plates.
    Sometimes they could be in the middle of nowhere because they only need a hole to the hot mantle to erupt.

    How do they erupt?

    They erupt when the inside of the Earth builds up pressure and because the volcano hatches are open the lava can quickly escape.
    They can also erupt when to tectonic plates move away from each other and the Earth does not have enough time to make a volcano to blast the pressure in piece so that is another way for the Earths pressure to escape but not in that much combatable way to do that.

    Types of volcanoes

    There are different types of volcanoes the first one is a composite volcano. The next one is a shield volcano. The third volcano is a supper volcano and the last one is the cinder cone volcano.

    Most disastrous volcanoes
    Some of the most power fullest volcanoes in the world are Pinatubo, yellowstown national park, Krakatoa, Kilawaya, The year without summer, tambour, Mount st Helen, Mount Etna and Mount Vesuvius they are all really really powerful volcanoes.

    Volcanoes are really dangerous and a really famous volcano called pompeii is the name of Vesuvius most power fullest eruption.

    1. This writing is done by Senuda

  11. Volcanoes are filled with ash, gas and hot lava. They come from the magma chamber. In fact some volcanoes don't even erupt only active volcanoes erupt. I've learnt that there is the inner core deep beneath the magma which is also near the mantle, the outer core and the crust. The most active volcano in the world can be found in Killauea on the island of Hawaii. It has been erupting continuously since 1983, 31 years ago.

    By Carlos

  12. What is a Volcano ?
    A Volcano is a big mountain between two Tectonic plates.If there is a hole in the earth that's a chance for hot and burning lava to come out from the Mantle.
    How do they erupt?
    A Volcano erupts when two Tectonic plates move slowly .
    What Volcano are filled of?
    Volcano are filled with ash,gas and really hot lava they all come from the magma chamber.only active volcano's erupt
    Which is the most popular Volcano?
    the most popular Volcano is the pompeii in Italy .

    by abhinav.

  13. Hi my name is Brady from the marsh school and I no what is inside a ballcano and still that is cool!
